☩ Welcome ☩
All Good Things Art & Gifts
As St. Francis roamed the Umbrian countryside in Italy, he praised God for the beauty he saw and shared the blessings around him by greeting everyone with “Pace e bene!” Peace and all good!
In that same spirit, we offer All Good Things, products of our hands along with local and global artisans, the overflowing of our prayer and ministry.
The artwork, jewelry, ceramic tiles, cards, soaps, lotions, hand-painted scarves, prayer pillows and other giftware, you purchase at All Good Things help support the mission of the Sylvania Franciscans. When you share these items with others, you become a partner with us in rejoicing the "good"!
Thanks for stopping by!

☩ Shop our HandCrafted Items ☩
- About us -
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“We are authentic Franciscan women grounded in our spirituality, which evokes a passionate commitment to intentionally reverence all persons and creation. Therefore, in a spirit of mutual accountability, we call each other to be ardent messengers of peace and advocates for justice, and to proclaim the gift of all creation in the midst of a wounded world.”
- Directional Statement -
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The Sisters of St. Francis, Sylvania, Ohio are Third Order Regular Franciscans, living in community as vowed religious according to the spirit and example of Francis of Assisi. As women of peace and seekers of justice, we are committed to serving God’s people through diverse ministries in the fields of education, social work, health and human services, pastoral work, and spiritual direction. A community of over 100 Sisters, we minister in seven states – Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio and Texas. We are supported in our efforts by more than 60 Associates and hundreds of employees in our sponsored ministries.
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With the broader Franciscan family we acknowledge that God is to be found in our relationships with one another and our witness to the Gospel is expressed in these relationships. Regardless of our specific ministry, our lives share a common thread – the desire to live the Gospel.
- Core Values -
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☩ to live life in the context of conversion, a life-long journey of turning to God;
☩ to acknowledge that all is gift and to embrace a life of simplicity guided by a spirit of poverty;
☩ to approach life from a reflective stance that flows from prayer and contemplation; and
☩ to recognize that we are called to be of service to one another which means that our relationships with others are characterized by a spirit of minority.
These are the values that guide our pilgrimage. These are the values that speak to our heart. These are the values that make known to us the presence of Christ who accompanies us on the journey.
- Mission Statement -
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Called like Francis of Assisi to live the Gospel in joyful servanthood among all people, the Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania, Ohio, as messengers of peace, commit themselves to works that reverence human dignity, embrace the poor and marginalized, and respect the gift of all creation.
There are a variety of events hosted by the sisters, and most of them can be found on our Facebook page or on Instagram. Find us at sistersosf.org.
We will also post more here as they are scheduled.

Fundraising Made Easy!
Does your student need uniforms for their sports or band? Does your organization need money for an upcoming trip or conference? We have a variety of delightful items we can offer through our fundraising opportunities for schools, churches, and other community groups. Prayer pillows, Alverno tiles, Holy Aromas personal care products, and Pine Cone Press paper products are made here by the Sisters and are a Franciscan alternative to the traditional fund raising options.
Most events run for two weeks. At the end of the event the school or group will be given a check for 40% of the gross sales.
We customize each event for project, grade, or need and the products are selected for the time of year.
What is a prayer pillow?
When words are not enough…. It is a pillow sewn by the Sisters. Then during the Sisters’ prayer time, they stuff them so it is literally stuffed full of prayers!
Who makes these delightful smelling Holy Aromas?
The Sisters do! They create every soap, lotion bar, body wash etc. They also have created the labels, which can be customized to acknowledge the group hosting the fund raiser!
What is a tile?
For each fundraiser there is a special tile picked for the students to sell. The tiles have been designed by the sisters, including Sister Jane Mary Sorosiak, whose mural work is well known on campus and around the country. Each tile is made here on campus at Alverno studio, and is hand painted by the Sisters and Associates.
Will the items be the same each time we fundraise?
The Holy Aroma line will be, but the sisters change the pillow design, the greeting cards and the special tile, unless by special request.
What are the Sister’s missions and ministries?
There are so many! Bethany House, Sophia Center, Rosary Care, and Lourdes University to name a few… If you would like more information their website is: https://sistersosf.org/
Please contact allgoodthings@sistersosf.org
Phone: 419-824-3749

The Sisters of Saint Francis recognize and support the gifted work of global artisans. Every handcrafted item tells a story and has a life of meaning behind it. The ethical practices of Fair Trade align with the overall mission to those of the Sisters of Saint Francis.
Every artisan is ensured a fair, living wage in safe working conditions. Care for the earth is regarded in the use of locally sourced, recycled and renewable materials. Partnerships formed in the Fair Trade community focus on women, people with disabilities and others often excluded from the global economy. These long-standing relationships help to break the cycle of generational poverty. Preservation of indigenous craftmanship, culture and legacy are invaluable and worthy of protection. When purchasing a Fair Trade item, you help promote and continue the outreach of such meaningful global connections.
The Sisters of Saint Francis are delighted to be part of this great mission. You can find many wonderful products for purchase in our store. Please note, we do not sell Fair Trade items on our website, as not to compete with existing markets. Consider stopping by the store to partner up with the Sisters of Saint Francis in helping to support global talent and craftmanship.

All Good Things Art & Gifts
All Good Things (Main Store)
Madonna Hall
6832 Convent Blvd. Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Tuesday - Friday 10 a.m. to 5p.m.
Saturday: 10am- 2pm
Hours of Operation:
All Good Things II
Rosary Care Center
6832 Convent Blvd. Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Wednesday - Friday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m
Saturday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.